Monday, February 12, 2007

Francisco Hernández Mora "Pancho Quinto": Ibae

Pancho Quinto
23 april 1933 — 11 february 2005

Yesterday marked 2 years since the passing of the great Pancho Quinto, founding member of Yoruba Andabo, one of the inventors of guarapachangueo, and teacher to many students worldwide. Pancho is definitely one of the most influential figures in the recent history of rumba.

Although I saw him perform a couple of times, I never had the pleasure to meet him. But I really enjoyed reading his student Ken Schweitzer's vivid description of Pancho in his dissertation:

The Little Boy
Like Eleguá, Pancho can be a child. His energy and youthfulness belie his
advanced years. He walks through the streets of his neighborhood yelling to his
friends and flirting with all the young women. He is often seen laughing, joking and
making light of serious situations. He likes to exercise the extremes of his emotions. One moment, he is quiet and still, measuring the people and commotion around him with his shifting glances. In the next, he becomes animated, raising his arms above his head, pointing fingers and laughing at his own jokes. It is a wonderful, ever-present, quality that accompanies both his performance and his teaching... [p. 162]

There is much more about Pancho in Ken's dissertation, and some great photos as well, be sure to take a look.

As a tribute to Pancho, I am posting this clip of Yoruba Andabo performing "El Niño Rey," from "El País de los Oricha." Besides the performance there are some nice candid shots of Pancho edited in. Ibae!


  1. Pancho was definitely ahead of his of the greatest exponents of the drum that Cuba has ever produced...his En El Solar...recording stands as one of the best, most innovative rumba recordings of its least his music and influence lives on...

  2. Very true Ralph. And sadly it seems that the album "En El Solar La Cueva Del Humo" is yet another rumba classic that is becoming harder and harder to find.

    Nice to hear from you again.

  3. It is...kind of like Tata Guines "Aniversario" album....

  4. HI,
    I noticed this blog when I searched for Pancho's name. I produced En El Solar de la Cueva del Humo in 1996. We just released it in digital form, it should be on itunes any day and many other digital sites. It is great to see people honoring his memory.

  5. Yes, Pancho Quinto's "En el Solar la Cueva del Humo" is available now on iTunes and many other digital sites:

    Pancho Quinto on iTunes

    You are right, it is one of the best Rumba records made.
